180 South, Manchester

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Design Agency > Manchester

Human Led Design for Fast Moving Companies.

Agency Description

By focussing on the passion of your business and its products or services we search for what makes it great and different. Every brand and organisation has a story to tell and we make sure our experts wrap it around everything we touch and make it enjoyable to use.

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Client Testimonials

{"Name":"JAMIE HEATON","Title":"MARKETING MANAGER","Company":"KIRONA","Review":"180South exceeded Kirona’s expectations. Where Kirona faced design challenges, 180South presented clean and highly effective solutions."}, {"Name":"CRAIG MACKAY","Title":"HEAD OF MARKETING","Company":"NETFLIGHTS","Review":"We love the simplicity, We now have the go-to app for flights."}, {"Name":"REG RIX","Title":"CEO","Company":"CARFINANCE 247","Review":"We’ve done this together, you’ve really helped us create a great National brand & website. Thank you!"}

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